4,420 research outputs found

    Properties of the ionized gas in HH202. I: Results from integral field spectroscopy with PMAS

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    We present results from integral field spectroscopy with the Potsdam multi-Aperture Spectrograph of the head of the Herbig-Haro object HH 202 with a spatial sampling of 1"x1". We have obtained maps of different emission lines, physical conditions --such as electron temperature and density-- and ionic abundances from recombination and collisionally excited lines. We present the first map of the Balmer temperature and of the temperature fluctuation parameter, t^2. We have calculated the t^2 in the plane of the sky, which is substantially smaller than that determined along the line of sight. We have mapped the abundance discrepancy factor of O^{2+}, ADF(O^{2+}), finding its maximum value at the HH 202-S position. We have explored the relations between the ADF(O^{2+}) and the electron density, the Balmer and [O III] temperatures, the ionization degree as well as the t^2 parameter. We do not find clear correlations between these properties and the results seem to support that the ADF and t^2 are independent phenomena. We have found a weak negative correlation between the O^{2+} abundance determined from recombination lines and the temperature, which is the expected behaviour in an ionized nebula, hence it seems that there is not evidence for the presence of super-metal rich droplets in H II regions.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Classical versus quantum dynamics of the atomic Josephson junction

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    We compare the classical (mean-field) dynamics with the quantum dynamics of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates in double-well potentials. The quantum dynamics are computed using a simple scheme based upon the Raman-Nath equations. Two different methods for exciting a non-equilbrium state are considered: an asymmetry between the wells which is suddenly removed, and a periodic time oscillating asymmetry. The first method generates wave packets that lead to collapses and revivals of the expectation values of the macroscopic variables, and we calculate the time scale for these revivals. The second method permits the excitation of a single energy eigenstate of the many-particle system, including Schroedinger cat states. We also discuss a band theory interpretation of the energy level structure of an asymmetric double-well, thereby identifying analogies to Bloch oscillations and Bragg resonances. Both the Bloch and Bragg dynamics are purely quantum and are not contained in the mean-field treatment.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figure

    Dynamical diffraction in sinusoidal potentials: uniform approximations for Mathieu functions

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    Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of Mathieu's equation are found in the short wavelength limit using a uniform approximation (method of comparison with a `known' equation having the same classical turning point structure) applied in Fourier space. The uniform approximation used here relies upon the fact that by passing into Fourier space the Mathieu equation can be mapped onto the simpler problem of a double well potential. The resulting eigenfunctions (Bloch waves), which are uniformly valid for all angles, are then used to describe the semiclassical scattering of waves by potentials varying sinusoidally in one direction. In such situations, for instance in the diffraction of atoms by gratings made of light, it is common to make the Raman-Nath approximation which ignores the motion of the atoms inside the grating. When using the eigenfunctions no such approximation is made so that the dynamical diffraction regime (long interaction time) can be explored.Comment: 36 pages, 16 figures. This updated version includes important references to existing work on uniform approximations, such as Olver's method applied to the modified Mathieu equation. It is emphasised that the paper presented here pertains to Fourier space uniform approximation

    On the applicability of the classical dipole-dipole interaction for polar Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We argue that the classical form of the dipole-dipole interaction energy cannot be used to model the interaction of the bosons in a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate made of polar atoms. This fact is due to convergence of integrals, if no additional restrictions are introduced. The problem can be regularized, in particular, by introducing a hard sphere model. As an example we propose a regularization consistent with the long range behavior of the effective potential and with the scattering amplitude of the fast particles.Comment: submitted to Phys. Re

    "Supersolid" self-bound Bose condensates via laser-induced interatomic forces

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    We show that the dipole-dipole interatomic forces induced by a single off-resonant running laser beam can lead to a self-bound pencil-shaped Bose condensate, even if the laser beam is a plane-wave. For an appropriate laser intensity the ground state has a quasi-one dimensional density modulation --- a Bose "supersolid".Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figure

    Nano powders, components and coatings by plasma technique

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    Ultra fine and nanometer powders and a method of producing same are provided, preferably refractory metal and ceramic nanopowders. When certain precursors are injected into the plasma flame in a reactor chamber, the materials are heated, melted and vaporized and the chemical reaction is induced in the vapor phase. The vapor phase is quenched rapidly to solid phase to yield the ultra pure, ultra fine and nano product. With this technique, powders have been made 20 nanometers in size in a system capable of a bulk production rate of more than 10 lbs/hr. The process is particularly applicable to tungsten, molybdenum, rhenium, tungsten carbide, molybdenum carbide and other related materials

    Properties of the ionized gas in HH202. II: Results from echelle spectrophotometry with UVES

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    We present results of deep echelle spectrophotometry of the brightest knot of the HH202 in the Orion Nebula --HH202-S-- using the ultraviolet Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES). The high spectral resolution has permitted to separate the component associated with the ambient gas from that associated with the gas flow. We derive electron densities and temperatures for both components, as well as the chemical abundances of several ions and elements from collisionally excited lines, including the first determinations of Ca^{+} and Cr^{+} abundances in the Orion Nebula. We also calculate the He^{+}, C^{2+}, O^{+} and O^{2+} abundances from recombination lines. The difference between the O^{2+} abundances determined from collisionally excited and recombination lines --the so-called abundance discrepancy factor-- is 0.35 dex and 0.11 dex for the shock and nebular components, respectively. Assuming that the abundance discrepancy is produced by spatial variations in the electron temperature, we derive values of the temperature fluctuation parameter, t^2, of 0.050 and 0.016, for the shock and nebular components, respectively. Interestingly, we obtain almost coincident t^2 values for both components from the analysis of the intensity ratios of He I lines. We find significant departures from case B predictions in the Balmer and Paschen flux ratios of lines of high principal quantum number n. We analyze the ionization structure of HH202-S, finding enough evidence to conclude that the flow of HH202-S has compressed the ambient gas inside the nebula trapping the ionization front. We measure a strong increase of the total abundances of nickel and iron in the shock component, the abundance pattern and the results of photoionization models for both components are consistent with the partial destruction of dust after the passage of the shock wave in HH202-S.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Hybrid fuzzy and sliding-mode control for motorised tether spin-up when coupled with axial vibration

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    A hybrid fuzzy sliding mode controller is applied to the control of motorised tether spin-up coupled with an axial oscillation phenomenon. A six degree of freedom dynamic model of a motorised momentum exchange tether is used as a basis for interplanetary payload exchange. The tether comprises a symmetrical double payload configuration, with an outrigger counter inertia and massive central facility. It is shown that including axial elasticity permits an enhanced level of performance prediction accuracy and a useful departure from the usual rigid body representations, particularly for accurate payload positioning at strategic points. A special simulation program has been devised in MATLAB and MATHEMATICA for a given initial condition data case

    Adiabatic transfer of light in a double cavity and the optical Landau-Zener problem

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    We analyze the evolution of an electromagnetic field inside a double cavity when the difference in length between the two cavities is changed, e.g. by translating the common mirror. We find that this allows photons to be moved deterministically from one cavity to the other. We are able to obtain the conditions for adiabatic transfer by first mapping the Maxwell wave equation for the electric field onto a Schroedinger-like wave equation, and then using the Landau-Zener result for the transition probability at an avoided crossing. Our analysis reveals that this mapping only rigorously holds when the two cavities are weakly coupled (i.e. in the regime of a highly reflective common mirror), and that, generally speaking, care is required when attempting a hamiltonian description of cavity electrodynamics with time-dependent boundary conditions.Comment: 24 pages, 18 figures. Version 2 includes a new section (Sec. VIII) on the regimes of validity of the Schroedinger-like equations and also of the adiabatic approximation, together with a new figure (Fig. 10). The discussion section (Sec. XI) has also been enhance
